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For purged enclosures in Class I Division 2 Gp A-D, Zone 2 IIC Ex [pz] Ex [py] and Zone 22 Ex [pD].
The initial purge flow removes the gasses, which may be present in the area when the enclosure is closed. After the purge cycle has been completed il continues to maintain
pressurlzatlon, For enclosures with an internal source of flammable gas or vapour release, the continuous flow can be set to reduce the concentration below 25% of the LFL (LEL).
Reference must be made to IEC/EN 60079-2 or NFPA 496 Standards before applying.
Type Y pure and pressurization reduces the area classification within the purged enclosure from a Class I Div 1 to a Class I, Div 2 or from Zone 1 to Zone 2, allowing Div 2 or Zone 2 equipment to be fitted within the enclosure.
For purged enclosures in Class I Division 2 Gp A-D, Zone 2 IIC Ex [pz] Ex [py] and Zone 22 Ex [pD].
The Leakage Compensation (LC) pressurizing system has an initial High Purge Plow rate to remove the gasses which may be present when the pressurized enclosure is initially closed.
The high purge flow is initiated manually.
When the purge is turned off a small amount of air flow maintains the enclosure pressure. This compensates for leaks, conserving compressed air.
Type Y Purge and Pressurization reduces the area classification within the purged enclosure from a Class I Div 1 to a Class I, Div 2 or from Zone 1 to Zone 2, allowing Div 2 or Zone 2 equipment to be htted within the enclosure.

MiniPurge Dust Protection (DP) is a pressurization system used as a protection method for electrical equipment installed within areas sub)ect to combustible dust accumulation. When
fitted to a suitable enclosure, the system enables regular electrical equipment to be operated salely in a hazardous location.
International standards require that the enclosure is cleaned to remove any accumulated dust within it, prior to operation. Once the enclosure is free of dust, The MiniPurge DP can be started. The system opens the inlet valve to pressurize the enclosure, and then maintains that pressure for normal operation. Once proper pressurization is achieved, the local system indicator changes to GREEN (PRESSURlZED) and the remote output is energised, pneumatic (option: /PO) goes high, volt-free contacts (option: /lS) closed Failure to achieve pressurization (cr loss of pressure in normal operation) changes the local system indicator to RED (ALARM) and the remote output. where used is de-energised
The MiniPurge system provides a full purge and pressurization system for applications requiring Class I Division 1 Groups A-D and/or Zone 1 (21) IIC approval. When fitted to a suitable enclosure, the system enables regular electrical equipment to pe operated safely in a hazardous location.
Certified in accordance with international standards and codes, the MiniPurge system controls the purge and pressurization process, Initially, the system allows a high flow of purge gas, usually compressed air, and measures that flow at the Relief Valve exhaust Providing that flow is sufficient, the purge timer is started After completion of the purge time, flow of protective gas continues at the selected rate. This flow may be required to dilute an internal source of hazardous gas released. Internal pressure is thus maintained
above external pressure, preventing potentially explosive gas/vapourfrom entering the enclosure. In this state, the system interlock allows external powerto oe supplied to
internal equipment, either directly or via a separate interface unit.
For enclosures with an internal release of flammable gas or vapour, the Continuous Flow setting is selected to reduce the concentration to below 25% LFL (LEL), with reference to the applicable Codes and /or Standards.
The MiniPurge system provides a full purge and pressurization system for applications requiring Class I Division 1 Groups A-D and/or Zone 1 (21) IIC approval. When fitted to a suitable enclosure, the system enables regular electrical equipment to pe operated safely in a hazardous location.
Certified in accordance with international standards and codes, the MiniPurge system controls the purge and pressurization process, Initially, the system allows a high flow of purge gas, usually compressed air, and measures that flow at the Relief Valve exhaust Providing that flow is sufficient, the purge timer is started. After completion of the purge time, purge flow is switched off and the systemcontrols a lower flow to compensate for enclosure leakage. Internal pressure is thus maintained above externalpressure, preventing potentially explosive gas/vapour fromentering the enclosure. In this state the system interlock allows external power to be supplied to internal equipment, either directly or via a separate interface unit
MiniPurge Dust Protection (DP) is a pressurization system used as a protection method for electrical equipment installed within areas sub)ect to combustible dust accumulation. When
fitted to a suitable enclosure, the system enables regular electrical equipment to be operated salely in a hazardous location.
International standards require that the enclosure is cleaned to remove any accumulated dust within it, prior to operation. Once the enclosure is free of dust, The MiniPurge DP can be started. The system opens the inlet valve to pressurize the enclosure, and then maintains that pressure for normal operation. Once proper pressurization is achieved, the local system indicator changes to GREEN (PRESSURlZED) and the remote output is energised, pneumatic (option: /PO) goes high, volt-free contacts (option: /lS) closed Failure to achieve pressurization (cr loss of pressure in normal operation) changes the local system indicator to RED (ALARM) and the remote output. where used is de-energised
The MiniPurge Interface Unit (MIU) provides switching of power to the pressurized enclosure, utilizing the pneumatic or IS output from the MiniPurge. The range of units allow up to 3ph (phase) current and power to be switched. For purge enclosures in a Zone 1 (21) or Class I, II Div 1 hazardous location, it is neccesary to isolate all sources of power into the enclosure. This may also include signals or data such as Ethernet connections. The unit also provides contacts for a remote alarm / pressurized signal.

Expo Technologies Cabinet Cooler provides cooling for pressurized enclosures using compressed air. Cooling required either to remove heat generated by the contents of the enclosure, or to compensate for high ambient temperatures.

The Expo Technologies RP-Max-Z range of room pressurizing units are designed for Type Z (Ex pz) pressurization of rooms in accordance with NFPA 496 2008 and ATEX IEC/EN 60079-13 Draft. At the heart of each system is Expo’s control logic which provides for pressure monitoring and air inlet fan control. The RP Max-Z room pressurization systems are designed to be used in Class I Div 2 or Zone 2 locations making the interior of the room a general purpose location. The RP-MAx-Z can adequately pressurize and ventilate rooms with 1 door (1800 cfm) or 2 doors (300 cfm). For additional ventilation capacities consult the factory.

The Motor Purging and Pressurization control system has been designed for use on large electrical machines located in a hazardous location.
The system delivers a high purge rate for a given duration (as defined by machine designer and Notified Body) prior to start-up, to purge any potentially explosive gases from the machine. After purge, the system automatically switches to leakage compensation mode for normal operation. The Closed Loop Automatic Pressurization System (CLAPS) automatically compensate for pressure variations in the machine during start-up or through temperature variations during operation. The system enables the machine to continuously operate at a set over-pressure, saving considerable time during test and commissioning, and simplifying normal operation.
The Motor Purging and Pressurization control system has been designed for use on large electrical machines located in a hazardous location.
The system delivers a high purge rate for a given duration (as defined by machine designer and Notified Body) prior to start-up, to purge any potentially explosive gases from the machine. After purge, the system automatically switches to leakage compensation mode for normal operation. The Closed Loop Automatic Pressurization System (CLAPS) automatically compensate for pressure variations in the machine during start-up or through temperature variations during operation. The system enables the machine to continuously operate at a set over-pressure, saving considerable time during test and commisioning, and simplifying normal operation.
The Motor Purging and Pressurization control system has been designed for use on large electrical machines located in a hazardous location.
The system delivers a high purge rate for a given duration (as defined by machine designer and Notified Body) prior to start-up, to purge any potentially explosive gases from the machine. After purge, the system automatically switches to leakage compensation mode for normal operation. The Closed Loop Automatic Pressurization System (CLAPS) automatically compensate for pressure variations in the machine during start-up or through temperature variations during operation. The system enables the machine to continuously operate at a set over-pressure, saving considerable time during test and commissioning, and simplifying normal operation.

Pre-Start Ventilation (PV) is recommended for safe starting of high voltage Ex e and Ex n motors in hazardous areas, where the overall risk assessment (under 60079-7 and 60079-15 respectively) calls for “Special measures”.
The Expo Pre-Start Ventilation System enables users to readily demonstrate compliance with the above equipment standards, and greatly improves safety by eliminating any potentially flammable atmosphere from the machine enclosure prior to start up.
The PV System has two components; the Control Unit (CU) and the Outlet Valve (OV). The CU controls flow into the motor enclosure, with pneumatic logic operating the OV based on flow and time. The OV has two valves; one allows normal ventilation flow and the second provides machine overpressure relief.

Expo holds IECEx & ATEX Certificates to IECIEN 60079-0 & 60079-2, Zone 1, Ex px for populated Expo Purge & Pressurized Enclosures type PE2. The certificate includes for installation of the clients’ instrumentation and I or electrical apparatus without further reference to the certification body when it complies with the Expo “Schedule of Limitations”.
For applications where there is a potential for hazardous dust as well as gas, certification can include for Zone 1 & Zone 21. The Zone 21 certification is to IECIEN 61241-4
Industries include: Pharmaceutical, Food.

Expo Dust protection (Ex tb- Ex tc) enclosures are designed to prevent the entry of flammable dust into the enclosure. They are custom designed and engineered for specific application or project.
Expo holds IECEx & ATEX Certificates to IECIEN 60079-0 & IECIEN 60079-31 and EN 61241-1, Zone 21, Ex tb for the populated Expo Enclosure type PE2EIPE3E. The certificate includes for installation of your instrumentation and I or electrical apparatus without further reference to the certification body when it complies with the Expo “Schedule of Limitations”.
No need for a Certified I Notified Body as the Certificate has been issued to Expo + Accept orders for your apparatus in hazardous locations and increase your market share
Ease of Certification for the OEM and the User
Reduced Certification cost
Reduced time to market
After review, equipment not complying with the Sol may still be certified with a variation to the Expo Certificate
Passive operation, no external electric control system or air supply required

Expo holds IECEx & ATEX Category 3 Certificates to IEC I EN 60079-0 & 60079-2, Zone 2, Ex pz for populated Expo Purge & Pressurized Enclosures type PE3. The Certificate includes for installation of the client’s instrumentation and I or electrical apparatus when it complies with the Expo “Schedule of Limitations” .
For applications where there is a potential for hazardous dust as well as gas, certification can include for Zone 2 & Zone 22. The Zone 22 certification is to EN 61241-4 standard Ex p. Industries include: Pharmaceutical, Food, Plastic.
No need for a Certified I Notified Body as the Certificate has been issued to Expo
Accept orders for your apparatus in hazardous location and increase your market share
Ease of Certification for the OEM and the User
Reduced Certification cost
Reduced time to market
After review, equipment not complying with the Sol may still be certified with a variation to the Expo Certificate
Restricted Breathing is a method of construction of enclosure such that the possibility of entry of a surrounding explosive gas atmosphere is reduced to a low level. This protection technique may be used in a Zone 2 classified location where explosive atmospheres are present in abnormal conditions only for short period (typically less than 10 hours per years).
+ Unlimited enclosure size & configuration
+ ATEX Category 3 certified with your equipment installed inside
+ Operator interfaces: keyboards, pointing devices, push buttons, lamps
+ 316L Stainless steel construction ( Painted mild (carbon) steel optional)
+ All external fasteners in stainless steel
+ Access plates
+ Viewing windows
+ Passive operation, no external electrical control system